Under the auspices of Slow Food Saratoga Region and Slow Food USA, I have set up a fund through firstgiving to aid those stagiere's, including Slow Food Saratoga Region's own Greg Kuzia-Carmel, who lost their valuable knives and potentially their livelihoods in the catastrophic fire that burned the renowned restaurant Mugaritz to the ground last week. Donations can be made by credit card through firstgiving and can be done whether you are in the USA or overseas. To donate via Paypal click the button below.
For American citizens, your donation is fully tax deductible. For those wishing to contribute but wish to pay with a personal check, contact me by email. For anyone wishing to extend your support by passing the message along, you can make your own page at firstgiving to support this fund and/or attach a widget to your blog or facebook page as I have done on mine. Any help you can offer is appreciated!
I know you mean well, Doc, but with Hait's suffering ongoing, this is a tough sell--and a low priority.
Posted by: www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlL7TVE0GIA-sasVPsTMNTxCANCbUDseC8 | February 25, 2010 at 11:50 AM
This clearly is not in the same league as Haiti or any number of other avenues of human suffering and tragedy. Indeed, this is very personal, especially for the stagieres involved. Im not sure helping one situation necessarily precludes the other though. Of course, if you or anyone else cant afford to contribute or have already contributed all that you can afford to Haiti, do not contribute here. On the other hand, if you can relate to what these individuals have lost and what it means to them, and can spare a few dollars to help them out, this is a concrete way to do so. Setting this up was a way to allow those who want to to help.
Posted by: John Sconzo | February 25, 2010 at 03:54 PM